80% of the population suffers from Back pain at some or other point of time. Back pain is the number one cause of sickness absenteeism.
Major causes of back pain are:
Postural and Mechanical
Disc prolapse
Facet Syndrome (Vertebral malalignment)
Vertebral degeneration
Lumbar canal stenosis.
Infections, tumors, radiating pain from internal organs contribute only 10%.
Only 2% of disc prolapses require surgical intervention.
Recent studies published in peer reviewed journals show that more than 50% of operated patients suffer similar pains at the end of 4 years. Many may go in for repeated surgeries.
Currently available treatment options are divided broadly into Surgical and non-surgical.
Surgical and Invasive methods
Epidural injections
Micro & Macro Disectomies
Internal Fixation
Artificial Disc
Artificial Vertebra
All these procedures are expensive and costs more than 20,000 Rs.
Non Surgical options
Physiotherapy including
Moist Heat, SWD, TENS,IF, Traction and Exercises
Chiropractic and Osteopathy
Ayurvedic treatment
None of the non-surgical methods target the Disc or affected vertebra and lack scientific basis.
People have been searching for a safe alternative to surgical methods that can provide long term remission of pain and based on scientific principles.
We introduce a comprehensive treatment program incorporating advanced technology of Modern Medicine with Yoga and Specific spinal Exercises to obtain 85 to 90 % success in Back and Neck pain treatment.